Control PC Performance Review & Optimisation Guide

Control PC Performance Review & Optimisation Guide

CPU Performance – Core Scaling with DirectX 11 and DirectX 12 

Control’s PC system requirements recommend a strong quad-core processor, and we can see why. In DirectX 11 mode, this game doesn’t really benefit from having a high core count processor, even when using an RTX 2080 Ti at 1080p. 

Even in our dual-core/quad-thread setup, we only see a tiny change in framerate, though we still recommend strong quad-core processors or better for the sake of shorter loading times and the potential for the sake of additional headroom. 

Control PC Performance Review & Optimisation Guide  

When shifting to DirectX 12, we can see that DirectX 11 was the main focus for Control’s development, as we can see lower core counts deliver less performance in our benchmark runs. Yes, quad-core or better systems still deliver great performance, but we can start to see performance levels degrade. 

When moving to our dual-core setup, we can see 1% minimum framerates take a nosedive, making the game feel a lot less responsive.  

Control PC Performance Review & Optimisation Guide Â