F1 2018 PC Performance Review

F1 2018 PC Performance Review

Graphical Comparison – Ultra Low to Ultra High

At times, F1 2018 can deliver some extremely appealing visuals, but under its lowest presets we can see that the game can leave a lot to be desired, especially in brightly lit tracks with daytime scenarios. Here, much of the game can appear washed out, with the game’s Ultra Low and Low presets also presenting low texture resolutions in places.    

On the texture front, Codemasters places texture resolution where it arguably matters most, on the track, allowing road surfaces to appear crisp whenever possible. Sadly, this then calls for sacrifices in other areas such as the grass in the scene below and on vehicle text and sponsor labels.  

Moving from Ultra Low to Low presents very little graphical change, though shadows see an increased resolution, smoke shadows are added particle effects are added to the game to simulate smoking tyres and other effects accurately. 

(Ultra Low VS Low)  
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Jumping from Low to Medium is arguably the most significant graphical leap that F1 2018 can offer, increasing the resolution of ground textures, the sharpness of shadows and the overall quality of the game’s lighting. Skidmarks are added to the track, giving circuits a weathered look as races progress while weather effects and other visual details are significantly improved. 

Medium is the minimum that graphics conscious gamers should play F1 2018 at, but thankfully these settings are not overly taxing on modern graphics hardware. 

(Low VS Medium)  
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At High settings, the graphical improvements over Medium are subtle, with the most notable changes being the addition of sharper shadows and Ambient Occlusion. These changes are most visible on the distant tents, and around the F1 cars themselves. 

Other changes are apparent when races begin, with smoke effects and weather effects receiving more particles and other vision obscuring elements, making the game ore graphically appealing while sacrificing clear visibility somewhat. Weather Effects can be turned down to decrease the impact of weather on visibility, though that would be sacrificing some of the game’s most appealing visual moments, as racing in wet track environments is easily where F1 2018 looks its best. 

(Medium VS High)  
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In the scene below, the most notable changes between High and Ultra High is, again, seen in shadow quality, especially in the shadows of the trackside railings. The most notable changes at Ultra High settings are seen in reflections, which are most visible on wet tracks or on vehicle reflections. 

(High VS Ultra High)  
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