Prey PC Performance Review

Prey PC Performance Review

AMD VS Nvidia – RX 480 VS GTX 1060 – Low to Very High Settings  

At 1440p Prey is very easy to play with average framerates of over 60FPS with our GTX 1060 Strix and RX 480 Strix GPUs, though it is clear to see that Nvidia has the clear performance advantage on the GPU-side. 

This is the first game to be released as part of AMD/Bethesda’s new partnership, though it seems that this game was too late in development for major performance improvements to be made on Radeon GPUs. One thing worth noting, however, is that even Reference RX 580 GPUs come with higher clocks than out RX 480 Strix model, so new RX 580 GPUs will offer some additional performance in this game. This will only be a clock speed bump, so performance gains here will be limited. 

We can see that High settings only offers a minimal performance gain over Very High, which explains the minimal differences in visual quality in our High and Very High 4K screenshots.  


Prey PC Performance Review Â