A Total War Saga: Troy PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide

A Total War Saga: Troy PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide

1080p Performance in the Campaign Map and In Battle

A Total War Saga: Troy’s Battle mode is significantly more demanding than the game’s campaign map, so much so that it could be argued that both modes need different graphical settings menus. 

At 1080p Ultra settings, A Total War Saga: Troy is more than demanding enough to bring most mid-range hardware to its knees, especially older Radeon products. 

Given the Ultra Preset’s use of MSAA, it is easy to see why performance levels are so low on mid-range hardware. That said, dropping to the game’s high preset should get most GPUs below to run the game with a steady 60 FPS framerate. AMD’s older Vega and Polaris GPUs see huge benefits from removing MSAA, more so than their RDNA and Nvidia counterparts. 

A Total War Saga: Troy PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide

Total War’s Campaign Map runs a lot smoother than the game’s battle mode, thanks to the mode differing graphical workloads and system requirements. High framerates are much easier to achieve here, with only AMD’s Radeon RX 580 achieving sub-60 FPS average framerates. Lowering A Total War Saga Troy’s AA settings on AMD’s RX 580 will set the game above a 60FPS average framerate target. 

A Total War Saga: Troy PC Performance Review and Optimisation Guide Â